Continuing God’s work through COVID-19

It’s always so good to get to connect with the Family.  

No doubt you’ve been seeing the headlines – Afghanistan, Haiti, wildfires and COVID-19 everywhere – there’s a lot going on that could be just plain discouraging, including challenges here in Uganda.   But none of this surprises our God, and as we’ve all seen before, He’s going to use all of these circumstances to bring glory to His Kingdom. We just need to wait and keep trusting in Him.

For today, please enjoy a cup a tea and read on to learn about:

  • Choir news
  • Sponsorship Report
  • Sponsorship Success Stories
  • Special Sponsorship Opportunities
  • I AM Academy
  • I AM Agro-Farm Initiative
  • We are Grateful for Guests in Uganda! 

Choir News

Many have asked when the I AM Family Choir might be returning to the United States.  Well, that return can’t be soon enough  for our Choir kids either!  Like us, they are trusting that Jesus will get them here when the time is right. While we wait for that happy day, please enjoy this sweet Choir memory from a few years back. 

In this video, they sing the song, “Omuyaga”.  This song tells the story of Jesus and his disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee when the storm came up, and reminds us all that we need to put our trust in the Lord – He will never let us down.  It’s a timely reminder…

Sponsorship Report

Your dear kids are doing amazing!

At last report, schools in Uganda are still closed, but I AM Family Ministries is working toward getting them reopened – please keep that effort in your prayers.  We will keep you posted regarding the progress!  Meanwhile, the children are doing classes online, assisted by parents and teachers with materials that your support enables I AM Family to provide to them in their homes. 

In the United States, school has always run from September or so to June, with a break during the summer.  Traditionally, Ugandan schools have run from February through December, with exams in December, then promotions to start the new year.  However, with COVID-19 and online school challenges, Uganda has recently chosen to change their school calendar like that in America, running from September through June.  But as we all know, change is hard. Many in Uganda are already trying to take things back to the way they used to be. However – for now, our kids are preparing to start another school year next month.

And, our I AM kids are doing amazing!

Even with homeschooling and online school challenges, our children did very well with their recent exams.  Here is a list of our Kampala and Wabinyira kids who have successfully completed P7 (that’s the seventh year of primary level), and now will start Ordinary level (or secondary school) this fall:

Allan Musiige   Patricia Nabulobi
Angella Nampeera   Precious Mirembe
Cathy Nambasa   Raymond Yiga
Cissy Atimango   Robinah Nandujja
Daniel Ajuna   Ronnie Aaron Muhangi
Elizabeth Kemigisha   Scovia Nakiwala
Enock Treasure Kagimu   Simeon Biyinzika
Geofrey Kanakulya   Steven Bantuma
Jeremiah Ssekandi   Sulaina Mukyala
Kelvin Katumba   Whitney Nabukalu
Mark Bukenya   Yvonne Zawedde
Patience Namuddu    

We also have this list students who successfully completed Ordinary Level, passed their exams, and now will be entering Ugandan high school (and remember – what is called “high school” there is similar to what we in the U.S. would call “community college”).  

Cinderellah Kemigisha   Marvin Katongole
Daphine Shivan Nalutaya   Marvin Mark Kibuuka
Lydia Nabifo Lutoti   Racheal Nantume
Mariam Katiesi   Trevor Alinaitwe
Marvin Katongole   Zahara Namutebi

If your sponsored child’s name is on either of those lists, now would be a great time to send them a quick note congratulating them on their school performance.  You can write to them as often as you like by sending an email to:  Thank you!  The kids so love to hear from their sponsors!

A few months back, a description of the Ugandan school system was included in one of our emails.  With all this school discussion, if your memory might need a refresher about primary, secondary, ordinary level and Ugandan high school, click here for a quick review.

Of course, many of our sponsored children live and attend school in Rwanda, which is just south of Uganda. Naturally, their school system and calendar are different than that in Uganda, but we will keep you posted regarding your sponsored Rwandan children, when their schools are able to reopen, and how they do on their exams.

In addition to challenges for schools, the current COVID-19 restrictions have closed churches – including our I AM Community Church – for another 60 days.   We are grateful that private transportation vehicles (with some restrictions) are now allowed on the roads so that we are able to more easily stay connected to our children that can’t currently attend school or church.  Please keep them in your prayers, as you know how important social interaction and connection is, at all ages – these have been challenging times, but our God is so good.

Sponsorship Success Stories

With all of our sponsors and supporters, we are so thrilled to share the COVID-19 relief success story that you made possible!

So far, during July and August, I AM Family Ministries has been able to provide food and hygiene essentials to 73 families in the Kampala area.  Your generosity has provided food, soap and medical support to these families who would otherwise have gone hungry.  We could never find words to thank you enough.  May scripture and these smiles speak for us.

Martin Kawooya is clearly grateful
for his food gift.

For he satisfies the thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.

Psalm 107:9

Ruth Atuhairwe and her mum are truly grateful for your provision.

Then Jesus declared,
“I am the bread of life.
Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me
will never be thirsty.”

John 6:35

Rahmah Nabukenya is grateful for God’s generous provision through her sponsor.

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Philippians 4:12

Maria Gorette Nayiga has a smile that lights up a room!
For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.
1 Timothy 6:7-8
Briton Kikambe agrees…

A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Proverbs 11:25

Our mere words could never be enough to fully express our gratitude. Your provision of food and essentials has been a blessing to many!

Special Sponsorship Opportunities

Sweet Linda Ndagire continues to pray for the sponsor or sponsors who would help her achieve her dream of becoming a doctor. She is a member of the I AM Community Church worship team and helps with the children at I AM Academy in Kampala. She and her siblings were abandoned by their father when they were young, and her mum is a casual laborer. Her mum is committed to raising her kids well, and is truly grateful for the I AM Family sponsors who have provided them with education. Linda is a very good student. Since she was a little girl, she has wanted to be a doctor but without help, the financial commitment for university level is insurmountable for her family. Knowing that with God all things are possible, she is praying for the sponsor that God has in mind for her.

We also have many children whose sponsors have had to step away from their commitment, including these sweet faces from Wabinyira who are now left without sponsorship. Please pray for God’s generous provision for Shakira Nazibaala, Jonathan Lukyamuzi, Scovia Naluwooza, Mark Katumba, Sarah Nakirijja, and their families.

Might the Holy Spirit be tugging on your heart, encouraging you to help meet one or more of these needs? If so, please call us any time: 805-662-7779, or click here to email us and we will be happy to help you set up your new sponsorship. Thank you! And the children thank you too!

I AM Academy

As mentioned previously, I AM Academy has been converted to online school presentation, like all the other schools in the country…  We are actively working with government authorities to get our schools reopened as soon as it makes sense, and will keep you posted of our progress.  It’s so sad to see the playground empty at I AM Academy in Kampala…

I AM Agro-Farm Initiative

No matter where you live, farming is a difficult life.  Knowing that, it should come as no surprise that our dear farmers in Uganda have faced challenges similar to many that farmers in the U.S. also deal with every season… And the COVID-19 situation hasn’t made it any easier.

Thanks to your help, our farming families had an amazing harvest.  (You can click here to read more about that in our February newsletter.)  However… as the marketplace is known to do, prices do fluctuate.  When their crop was ready to sell, the price they were able to receive was lower than they’d expected.  Also, because of the pandemic, they couldn’t transport their crop across the border, and many of their potential markets were closed to them. 

On the other hand, as always, our God is so good.  That plentiful harvest was a tremendous blessing to our local families.  During the lockdown, it fed so many families in the villages, and provided seed for the next planting.

Now, praise God, the rains are returning after their dry season, and our maize farmers are getting ready for that next planting.  Yes, even in Uganda – a place many think of as tropical – there is a dry season, sometimes even drought.  But now, as farmers always do, full of optimism, they begin another growing season.

For our farmers, we pray from Deuteronomy 28:12 –
that the Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands.

We are Grateful for Guests in Uganda!

Ironically, tourism is one industry that has remained open during the recent wave of COVID restrictions in Uganda.  Registered tourist vehicles were never barred from the highways, and tourist sites have remained open.  However, visiting and seeing I AM Family children in their schools and at church remains impossible. 

One day, hopefully soon, we look forward to again welcoming I AM Family guests!  Might now be the time for you to consider a visit to Uganda?  Please pray about it, and let us know how we can help you.  We so love visits from our Family, and the children do too!

Thank you for being part of the Family. With your faithful prayers and support, God continues to work amazing miracles in this ministry. We are grateful for His provision every day – and we are grateful for you!

May God continue to bless you and yours!

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Family news from Uganda

Dear Family, Life in Uganda is difficult. From the American side, we can only begin to imagine… Into that difficulty, complicated by the challenges of

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