We are so grateful to count you as Family and so appreciate your faithful and prayerful support.
As you know, times are challenging everywhere, and you saw in our newsletter last week that opportunities truly abound in our Uganda. This morning, we recieved this update from Daniel in Kampala, and we wanted to share his report with our American Family right away:
Dear Family,
Just a quick update about the situation in Uganda.
The total lockdown has been extended for another 14 days. We have however been able to reach out to some families that have been going through very tough situations in our neighborhood near I Am Family in Kampala. We have so far given food to over 30 widows to be able to feed their kids and some of the families that had called us to help have received food. Because of limited movement, we can only reach out to a few people in our neighborhood but we are talking to the local authorities to give us permission and travel permits to go out and give food to those struggling families in Wabinyira village. I have attached some pictures for you and a video.
If you would like to get some insight about the entire situation in Uganda, watch this video linked below: https://youtu.be/QgG8BgwlbEs
Thanks to you all, we love you and we are praying for you.
God is Love
Daniel Mugerwa.
Daniel’s video is truly eye-opening, and well worth the 4 1/2 minute investment to watch it.
This morning, we received a message from another of our Family contacts in Kampala (she lives in a household of eight persons, none of whom have been able to work since their lock-down began back in March) who, among other things, shared:
“We are so scared my dear”
Yes, we had hoped that Uganda’s President would lift some of their lockdown restrictions on May 3 so that I AM Family Ministries could provide additional food supplies to families who are contacting us from Kampala, Wabinyira and Rwanda. We pray that Daniel and his team there will be successful in receiving travel permits so that many families can be helped by the Food Drive project launched this month by I AM.
Thank you so much for keeping the Family in your prayers. Truly these are unprecedented times – in our Uganda as well as here in America. Through it all though, we know that God’s got it covered. His promise centuries ago to Joshua applies equally to us today, and for that we are grateful:
No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. Joshua 1:5, https://biblehub.com/joshua/1-5.htm
Thank you for being part of the Family. God continues to work amazing miracles in and through this ministry. We are grateful for His provision every day – never before more so than now. Thank you for your faithful, prayerful support.
May God continue to bless you and yours!
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